United States Senate Endorsement


Hear what the ForestPAC endorsement means to Katie:

The Alabama Forestry Association announces its endorsement of Katie Britt for the United States Senate. Britt is running in the Republican Primary for the seat currently held by Senator Richard Shelby who is retiring after representing Alabama in the U.S. Senate since 1986.

I’m proud to have the support of the Alabama Forestry Association,” said Britt. “Forestry is a pillar of our economy, and I will fight tirelessly to ensure that the American Dream is alive and well for hardworking families and landowners in every corner of Alabama. As Alabama’s next U.S. Senator, I will work to grow good-paying jobs and opportunity for all Alabamians, so that no community in our state is forgotten. Alabama landowners know that we need smaller government, less red tape and lower taxes, and that’s exactly what I’ll champion in the Senate. I thank Alabama Forestry Association members from across our state for standing with me in our grassroots campaign to protect our Christian conservative values and fight for hardworking Alabamians.”